

Writings from Boho Farm and Home

Getting Ready for The Phoenix Tour de Coops

For the past month we have been working every weekend trying to get this little farm cleaned up and ready for the Phoenix Permaculture Guild's Annual Tour de Coops.  But since Thanksgiving, we have been working like elves around the clock getting years worth of projects done which I LOVE!  Here are some pictures of our progress...  If you want to see the completed project, come by our little urban farm during the Tour de Coops on December 4th from 7:30am to 4:30pm and you can see it in all its glory.  You will also see me beaming with a smile from ear to ear because I know I will be enjoying the fruit of all this work for this entire spring and on top of that, I will spend that whole day talking about chickens, gardening, fruit trees and sustainable design-- all things I love!

Tickets are $10 for two, children under 12 are free and are available on the website or at the starting locations.

Here we are with one awning up and the second one on the way...

Here is my husband painting the patio--the plywood is to keep the chickens off the patio

We are getting closer...both awning up...patio painted

These awning came off my sister in laws new house and she didn't want them...I know...but the wonderful thing is she gave them to me and I have used every single one of them!!  They were made for me!

Finishing planting the annual color that we will enjoy till May--got to love this desert living!

The lawn is mowed--notice the adorable re purposed awning on my kids playhouse--it will be great when the long hot summer hits that slide

 Come join us on Saturday but if you can't make it...I will post some pictures of the finish product!

I have to go now and give Charlotte a bath and blow dry...yes, I am talking about my chicken but I can't discuss it now I have a lot to do before I have to drive the soccer carpool's all very glamorous over here on the farm!