

Writings from Boho Farm and Home

The Arcadia Edible Tour-This Saturday

The Arcadia Edible Tour is this Saturday and I have been down with
some crazy virus for over a week...isn't this just the way it goes?
When you have so much to do that you would like to make time stand still,
instead you end up in bed for a week and have to just resign yourself to it.

We have been doing lots of harvesting lately...
Aren't these Chioggia beets lovely? 
We roasted them along with some Chantilley carrots, leeks and
onions, all from our garden last Sunday with
our roast chicken and yes, it is our chicken too.
A whole meal from our lovely is that?! 
If only every meal was that gives something to strive towards.
Our artichokes are in full bloom right now, so if you come on the tour Saturday
you will see lots of beautiful artichokes--on Sunday we will harvest and roast them. 
 I brought this one inside to let it flower.
First of the season Desert Gold peaches
made a limited edition peach orange blossom jam
that will only be available at our farm stand Saturday
during the Edible tour.
Sweet potato slips...wanted to start these earlier,
the crud kept me from it..but can still plant them in June.

found this fabric for the tops on our
rose petal jelly...
Brought it home...loved it and am now
 making it into panels for our family room.
 I have a million things to do and I start this
project like some kinda crazy women!?
So easily distracted.
Am I the only one who does these kind of things?
I found a new book to read this summer and it is taking all
that is in me not to start now...
See all these distractions?!
Focus...I need to focus...
 Waxing for long, leisurely summer days of hanging out
with the kids and reading French--I don't know if you can call it literature,
let's say humorous novel, eating pie and swimming.
We're letting 4 of our 6 raised beds rest this summer,
even the land need a break.  They have worked hard for us.
Would love to have you come out and join us for
the Edible Arcadia Tour on Saturday. 
This will be one of the last events at the farm for this
season but look forward to see you all again in the fall!

Gotta get cracking and FOCUS!
Hope to see you Saturday!