

Writings from Boho Farm and Home

Oh My...

That is right...we have two female Indian Runner ducks.
No, we did not go out and get them, they came to us.
I guess we have an open door...
 They are just a part of a long line of Boho Farm's Easter rescue
chicks and now ducks.
Please don't get chicks and ducks for Easter...or bunnies either!
I am a chicken keeper and I don't get chicks at Easter.
I could go on with a think through getting an animals rant but I won't. :) 
Cute little animals grow up to become big animals and
they will need more space than a laundry basket or a bathtub.
OK...moving on with the story.
It is one of those things, we get home one Saturday morning from
running errands and there is a child's pool with 2 ducks in our front yard.
Who knows what my neighbors think go on over here!?!
Let alone my husband...he has the patience of Job.
This lady had the ducks in a desert landscapes outside of town and
she thought they would raise them and they would fly away.
The problem is these ducks don't fly...
I felt so bad for the animals, I had to take them in.
our rescued runner ducks
So now we have two female laying ducks and they are actually
really cute and add to the backyard antics here at the Boho Farm.
Now we are considering getting two more female laying ducks, Welsh Harlequin is the breed
and our almost 16 year old daughter will raise them.
Cat has always been a lover of harlequin ducks.
Duck eggs are richer than chicken eggs and perfect for pastries.
I'll keep you posted on all the duck egg baking.
Coming soon...the finished kitchen post!