

Writings from Boho Farm and Home

Fresh Herb Jelly

Here is the recipe for the Fresh Herb Jelly that I made today
for the edible education class ,"Jelly's Last Jam" 
at the Old Town Scottsdale Farmers Market.
It tastes fresh and is so easy!
We served it today on Mediterra baguette thinly sliced, with fresh locally handmade burrata
from Gina's Homemade, topped with the fresh herb jelly and sprinkled with
fresh finely chopped dill from McClendon Select
All are local vendors at the Old Town Market.
Fresh Herb Jelly
2 cups chopped herbs
(parsley, mint, dill, oregano, savory or you can
make your own combination--be creative)
1 ½ cups organic apple juice
1 cup water
1 cup white wine vinegar
1 package of powder pectin
5 cups sugar 
Combine herbs, apple juice, water and vinegar-bring to a boil.
Cover and let steep for 15 minutes.
Strain herb liquid through strainer lined with cheesecloth.
Take herb liquid and place it in a clean saucepan.
Whisk in pectin until dissolved.  Bring to a boil over high heat,
Stirring constantly.  Remove from heat and skim any foam.

Add the sugar all at once and bring back to a boil.
Oncethe sugar is disolved remove from heat. 
Pour jelly into jars, leaving a ¼ inch head space-make sure rim
Of jar is clean.  Place lid on jar and screw band down
but not too tight.
Place jars in a 250 degree oven for 15-20minutes to seal.
Cool for 12 hours, tighten bands and store.
makes 6 8oz jars
Shelf life 6 months
Enjoy the weekend!